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Customising the CMS /

Moderators: martimiz, Sean, Ed, biapar, Willr, Ingo, swaiba

Delegating actions in the CMS to other controllers

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Dave L

Community Member, 60 Posts

23 October 2014 at 10:57pm

I'm working on a new LeftAndMain subclass. A new section I anticipate will have a lot of activity, multiple tabs, screens, actions. I don't really want to put all this in one LeftAndMain subclass, so what would be the recommended way to put all this activity into logical groups of controller actions? Is there a standard way of delegating actions to other controllers? E.g. one per tab?

Or is it simpler to avoid routing issues and just create a CMS submenu system ( with their own LeftAndMain? I would like to know how to delegate if it's possible (and recommended or applied often).