The Client
Diversey Care formulates smart, sustainable products for customers in the cleaning and hygiene sectors. With a wide-ranging portfolio of professional, cost-effective cleaning products and a footprint that takes in 175 countries, the company has established a high profile and a respected global presence.
Diversey Care develops products based on their accumulated knowledge and research - as befits a company with over 90 years’ experience – and their operations are backed by the authoritative input of thousands of scientists, engineers, equipment, application and industry experts, and state-of-the-art laboratories.
The Background
Pro Formula by Diversey is conceived as a tip-based website which is aimed primarily at small businesses - such as hotels, B&B’s, restaurants, healthcare establishments and care homes. The site is designed to put these small businesses in touch with the considerable body of product knowledge and expertise that Diversey Care has at its fingertips. It is a new concept for the company, designed to enhance awareness of the Diversey Care knowledge base by providing a first - with a cleaning problem and purchasing solution being combined all in one place.
The site strapline - Professional cleaning with trusted brands, getting you ready for business – encapsulates the core mission - to give customers peace of mind and excellent results the first time. Working from the conviction that - A perfectly clean environment is the basis for the best customer experience – the site aims to offer a full range of professionally formulated cleaning products, paired in partnership with trusted big Unilever brands. The range is ready to use for customer convenience and developed specifically for the needs of the target audience.
The Challenge
The project brief for Mulberry was to deliver a website dedicated to delivering practical, tailored solutions to the kinds of cleaning problems that typically confront small business owners on a daily basis. To provide this information in a clean, uncluttered visual style to fulfil the ambition of creating an easily accessed online library/archive of relevant and focussed tips. The expectation being that this will build over time in to a powerful resource of concise, practical help for small businesses; all the while disseminating awareness of the Diversey Care brand and products.
The priority of the site’s navigation is in guiding users quickly to the relevant information – these are time-pressed people who are likely in a hurry and therefore require a straight to the point solution. This is achieved through the main format of: Question – Answer - Solution – Opportunity to buy the solution. The architectural challenge was to structure the information to connect the advice and appropriate related products, whilst incorporating a number of extra dimensions that reinforce the solution, but which are not allowed to unnecessarily obstruct the rapid route to purchase.
The information is divided into three main sections. The first section - Find a solution – filters down into six key small business environments where cleanliness is paramount: these are Bathroom and Toilet, Floor, Interior, Kitchen, Laundry and Machine Dishwashing. These common environments are then filtered to enable the user a choice of a list of common problem questions, alongside a featured personalised question and a personalised ProStory tip/video.
There is also a 24-hour Ask an Expert facility whereby users can request advice from Diversey Care’s resident cleaning experts. Each of the find a solution tip list goes to a standalone page incorporating advice, suggested products, a ProTip; as well as alternative solutions and a How To video.
The second section – Choose Product - filters by application area; of which there are 11 on the site such as: Floor, Kitchen and Laundry. The filter continues through 23 potential applications, then via product suitability, format, brand and a type/buy facility. There are Top 3 product recommendations; then for those with more time - a list of other product options.
The third section is - User Experience – where real cleaning ProStories from local professionals are shared; including ‘How To’ videos containing top cleaning tips to help users get the best professional results. There is also the opportunity to take a Virtual Tour in all six main cleaning-focussed environments where problems and solutions are highlighted to encourage understanding and action.
The Project’s Technical Highlights
Silverstripe is the overall CMS/Framework for the new ProFormula website. It was uploaded in 22 different languages for 19 Countries in one CMS. Consequently the site incorporates a Silverstripe Translatable Module that allows the sites pages to be repurposed accordingly.
The site integrates a number of other key elements, including a GEO Redirect feature which acts as a global product filter. When the user chooses a solution to their problem the redirect picks up their location and takes them to their relevant language site. If the user’s language is not featured it then goes to the UK version as default.
Two other notable features include the extensive Choose Product - Filtering System product finder. This selects products via filter fields such as, suitable characteristics and appropriate usage. The next is the Ask an Expert feature which incorporates an interactive modal facilitating the 24 hour turnaround of targeted advice from the Diversey Care team.
The Virtual Reality integration into the site allows navigation around four common small business locations where cleaning problems are heightened including: the Bar, the Kitchen, the Washroom and the Office. The problem areas are identified and products selected to solve these issues. The site also facilitates a 360 image on mobile where users can take this to another level. Once they click on the VR cardboard viewer button on their mobile screen - making sure that the portrait orientation lock is turned off – they can then place their phone into the cardboard viewer and explore these rooms.
The Client Reaction:
Judith Van Til - Global Marketing Director Consumer Brands at Diversey Care – endorses Mulberry’s success in fulfilling the broad challenges of the Pro Formula project; while emphasising the ongoing value of the highly effective resource that has been created as a result of Mulberry’s expertise – “We are very happy with the results and cannot wait to build further on it.”