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Tax Traders

by Jakxnz

Tax Traders is a tax pooling service, based in Auckland. In 2012 we were hired to build an MVP, to demonstrate that customers and their tax pooling needs, can be facilitated and managed from a web based platform, in Silverstripe. In 2016, we rebuilt the customer-facing “Tax Calculators” for the project, modelled on the existing aesthetic of the website design. The calculators are a set of responsive HTML 5, CSS, and JS (jQuery) forms, which post (via ajax) to the underlying page controller. The page controller then validates, cleanses, and interfaces with our API - hosted by a sister Silverstripe implementation, which drives the abstracted customer dashboard, and CRM. Technology used HTML5, CSS, JS (jQuery, JSON), PHP, Silverstripe, Apache, and MySQL. Front-end state handling is managed by a rudimentary technique, centred around a render() method in the js code organisation structure. The calculators use forms (expanded from the native SS model) to post via ajax to the Page Controller. This allows the project to gracefully degrade, while maintaining perks like SS’s CSRF intervention.
  • Launched
  • 1 April 2016
  • Sector
  • Corporate

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