The Sobey Family control Canada’s 2nd largest retail grocery chain. They are also one of Canada’s most active philanthropic families with a number of foundations making significant contributions to education, health, arts, and community support groups.
Our Challenges.
The Sobey Family required a suite of websites that highlighted their philanthropic activities and made it easier for organizations and individuals to apply for support. A total of four websites were required, that could carry a common theme across all activities. The sites also needed to be bilingual to reflect Canada’s two official languages.
The Results
Once the first site was built, we were able to quickly redeploy the core theme, with identical SilverStripe modules, to three additional sites to accommodate each area of philanthropy. On each site web visitors can choose between English and French content using the SilverStripe language picker. Universities, hospitals, institutions and individuals can use the various submission forms to securely submit funding requests.