Security Releases
When potential security holes are discovered in SilverStripe's supported modules, we produce security releases to ensure that you are able to promptly secure your SilverStripe websites (check our security release process). All releases are available on our download page, and are announced on our forums (register to subscribe). Vulnerabilities in releases are disclosed here. Please subscribe to our security release RSS feed and pre-announcement mailing list to stay updated.
SS-2014-011: Folder filename injection
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-011
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.10, 3.1.4, master
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.11, 3.1.5, master
- Release Date:
- 2014-05-07
When editing files and assets in the CMS it was possible to rename a folder using invalid characters, allowing the resulting filename to be injected directly into the HTML of the page. Although the folder itself would have these invalid characters stripped, the `Title` field of folders would not be cleaned using the same method.
The fix to this issue is to ensure that the Name and Title of Folder objects are now both correctly cleaned of invalid characters.
SS-2014-010: Injection / Filesystem vulnerability in generatesecuretoken
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-010
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.10, 3.1.4, master
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.11, 3.1.5, master
- Release Date:
- 2014-05-07
A minor issue in the the generatesecuretoken dev task enabled investigation of files on the filesystem. This attack allowed the existence of any file to be reported using the 'path' querystring parameter passing in a relative filesystem path. Additionally, the Content-Type header of the results of this page was set to 'text/html', which means that HTML injection could enable javascript to be injected via the querystring.
This issue has been resolved by removing the unnecessary 'path' querystring parameter, and ensuring the output of this page was correctly given the 'text/plain' Content-Type header.
This attack may only be performed by a privileged user (administrator), meaning it had a very low risk of being exploited.
SS-2014-009: Potential DoS exploit in TinyMCE
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-009
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.4, 3.0.10, and all versions before
- Release Date:
- 2014-05-07
Vulnerability has been found in Framework's TinyMCE version where an attacker can leverage the compressor to generate large responses that are also cached on disk.
The impact of this issue is limited by the URL length cap enforced by webservers and Suhosin, and is dependent on the availability of zlib on the server - substantially larger responses can be generated if zlib is not installed.Framework's version of TinyMCE has been patched to filter parameters responsible for this and a fix has been submitted and merged into upstream TinyMCE which will independently make it's way to the next major/minor version of the Framework.
SS-2014-007: Confidentiality breach can occur between draft and live modes
- Severity:
- Medium (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-007
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.3, 3.0.9, and all versions before
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.4, 3.0.10
- Release Date:
- 2014-04-01
In cases were partial caching is used in templates, it's possible for content viewed in one versioned mode (such as stage) to be cached and presented later to other uses in live. This issue also extends to content that may be customised for individual users, such as login status. This may lead to incorrect data being presented within partially cached data, or may leak confidential or unpublished data that should not be viewable.
In order to resolve this a global caching key is applied to all partial caches by default. This is a string which is automatically added to the cache identifier for all partial caches. By default this is set to '$CurrentReadingMode, $CurrentUser.ID', but can be customised by setting the config value for 'SSViewer.global_key', and can contain any template syntax.
This fix will likely require some adjustment for website which either allow for user logins, as the default global cache key may not be appropriate in all situations.
For instance, if your partial caching already handles user login status where necessary, this key can be simplified to only segment by reading mode. In your config.yml you should change this key as below:
global_key: '$CurrentReadingMode'To upgrade download or update with composer
SS-2014-006: XSS in returnURL redirection
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-006
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.9, 3.1.3, and all versions before
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.10, 3.1.4
- Release Date:
- 2014-04-01
If an attacker can set the URL passed to Controller->redirect() and output is sent to the browser before the redirect can occur, the URL may be outputted directly to the browser.
This can potentially be exploited through dev/build, i.e."><h1>Hacked!</h1><!--
If the response is buffered enough that output hasn’t been sent to the browser yet this particular attack vector isn’t available on a stock install, but others may be and it may still be available in customised installs.
The fix is to escape the URL before displaying it to the user.
Download Patch for 3.1 | Download Patch for 3.0
Thanks to Simon Welsh for reporting and providing a patch.
SS-2014-005: Arbitrary class creation in CMS backend
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-005
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.9, 3.1.3, and all previous versions
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.10, 3.1.4
- Release Date:
- 2014-04-01
By changing the PageType value passed to CMSPageAddController, a user is able to create any arbitrary class. If this class is a DataObject, it will be written to the database. This allows a user to create classes that they should not be able to.
The is fixed by changing CMSMain->getNewItem() to only create classes that are subclasses of the tree_class (SiteTree in most cases).
At this stage, there is no known way to use this for arbitary code execution, or arbitary database access, thus the issue is rated low severity.
Download Patch for 3.1 | Download Patch for 3.0
Thanks to Simon Welsh for reporting and submitting a patch.
SS-2014-004: SQL injection in SiteTree with custom URLSegmentFilter rules
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-004
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.3, 3.0.9, and all versions before
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.4, 3.0.10
- Release Date:
- 2014-04-01
When a developer removes the default URLSegmentFilter rule, the CMS backend is vulnerable to SQL Injection, as apostrophes are not removed.
The change will make sure the URL is always escaped, regardless of the URL filters.
Download Patch for 3.1 | Download Patch for 3.0
Thanks to Simon Welsh for reporting and submitting a patch.
SS-2014-008: Lack of CSRF tokens in Forum module
- Severity:
- Medium (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-008
- Versions Affected:
- 0.4, 0.5, master
- Versions Fixed:
- 0.4.1, 0.5.1, master
- Release Date:
- 2014-03-17
The forum module was lacking CSRF tokens on all non form based actions, such as deletepost and markasspam, which would allow an attacker to execute these actions by getting an authenticated user to visit specifically crafted links.
A patch has been made which will add CSRF tokens to all front-end accessible actions, except for Unsubscribe.
Because unsubscribe is used in emails, it requires a different solution to prevent this kind of attack. For now, the usability lost by introducing CSRF tokens outweighs the potential for misuse by malicious forum users. A permanant solution is currently being investigated, but will not be counted as a security release once it is complete.Thanks to Vincze Márton for reporting.
SS-2014-003: ExtraMeta allows JavaScript for malicious CMS authors
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-003
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.8, 3.1.2 and all earlier versions
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.3
- Release Date:
- 2014-02-19
The CMS allows specifying custom HTML to be placed in the <head> section of a specific page (through the SiteTree.ExtraMeta property). The main intention is to add <meta> tags further describing the content present. Since the accepted format is HTML, any content can be inserted by CMS authors, including <script> tags containing inline JavaScript or external sources. In order to exploit this issue, you need to have CMS access in the first place. Other potential weaknesses like transient cross-site scripting (XSS) through malicious links can abuse the CMS author login status, and transform attacks a persistent XSS issue.
While there is no known vector to exploit this without a valid CMS login, the core team feels its safest to whitelist the tags allowed in the ExtraMeta property, defaulting to <link> and <meta> only. This means existing projects with page-specific <script> tags will need to have these tags moved into SilverStripe templates. Alternatively, you can add a new HTMLText $db property in your Page class definition (suggested name: $HeaderScripts).
This whitelist will not apply to existing data in the SiteTree.ExtraMeta column on existing pages. In order to ensure no exploit has already been persisted, and check if you need to move <script> tags to templates, we suggest you search this column in your project database:
SELECT * FROM "SiteTree" WHERE "SiteTree"."ExtraMeta" LIKE '%<script%'
SELECT * FROM "SiteTree_Live" WHERE "SiteTree"."ExtraMeta" LIKE '%<script%'Download CMS patch for 3.1 | Download framework patch for 3.1
Thanks to Daniel Hensby for reporting.
SS-2014-002: XSS in third party library (SWFUpload)
- Severity:
- Medium (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-002
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.8, 3.1.2 and all earlier versions
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.9,3.1.3
- Release Date:
- 2014-02-19
A third party JavaScript library (SWFUpload) is susceptible to cross-site scripting through its SWF interface (details). This library has been removed from core, mitigating this attack vector.
Download patch for 3.1 | Download patch for 3.0
Thanks to Marc Wickenden for reporting.
SS-2014-001: Require ADMIN for ?flush=1&isDev=1
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2014-001
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.8, 3.1.2 and all earlier versions
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.9,3.1.3
- Release Date:
- 2014-02-19
Flushing the various manifests (class, template, config) is performed through a GET parameter (flush=1). Since this action requires more server resources than normal requests, it can facilitate denial-of-service attacks. This action has been secured as part of SS-2013-001, but an edge case was missed when also using the isDev=1 GET parameter. It allows a live site to be placed in development mode for logged-in administrators. When used in combination with flush=1, the check for logged-in administrators was bypassed, which is now fixed.
Download patch for 3.1 | Download patch for 3.0
Thanks to Stephen Shkardoon and Simon Welsh for reporting.
SS-2013-009: XSS in CMS "Pages" section
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2013-009
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0,3.1
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.7,3.1.0-rc3
- Release Date:
- 2013-09-24
The "Insert Link" dropdown and "Dependent Pages" list in the "Pages" CMS section are vulnerable to persistent cross-site scripting, through the SiteTree.Title attribute. This form of attack requires a CMS login by a malicious third party, and can lead to executing authenticated requests on behalf of the CMS user victim.
SS-2013-008: XSS in form validation errors
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2013-008
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0.6,3.1.0
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.7,3.1.0-rc3
- Release Date:
- 2013-09-24
The CMS allows for user feedback through custom messages generated by form or form field validation. If these messages incorporate user-provided data such as quoting a wrongly formatted value, it can lead to cross-site scripting. Usually validation messages prevent form saving, so the malicious input is usually not persisted, nor accessible for other users. But since Form->sessionMessage() can also be used to pass success messages to the user, this can lead to persisted malicious input in rare cases where stored data is used to compose this message.
Form and form field messages are assumed to be plain text, and escaped by default.
Reported by Vulnerability Laboratory Evolution
SS-2013-007: XSS in CMS "Security" section
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2013-007
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.0
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.0-rc3
- Release Date:
- 2013-09-24
Certain fields in the "Groups" and "Roles" listings of the "Security" section are vulnerable to persistent cross-site scripting. This form of attack requires a CMS login by a malicious third party, and can lead to executing authenticated requests on behalf of the CMS user victim.
Reported by Vulnerability Laboratory Evolution
SS-2013-006: Information disclosure in Versioned.php
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2013-006
- Versions Affected:
- 3.0
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.0.6
- Release Date:
- 2013-09-12
Malicious website visitors can inspect older and newer versions of website content without requiring CMS access, through special URL parameters usually reserved for CMS users. This includes unpublished content.
This has been fixed by more specific permission checks in ContentController.php