Security Releases
When potential security holes are discovered in SilverStripe's supported modules, we produce security releases to ensure that you are able to promptly secure your SilverStripe websites (check our security release process). All releases are available on our download page, and are announced on our forums (register to subscribe). Vulnerabilities in releases are disclosed here. Please subscribe to our security release RSS feed and pre-announcement mailing list to stay updated.
SS-2016-012: Missing ACL on reports
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- ss-2016-012
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2. 3.4.0
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.20, 3.2.5, 3.3.3. 3.4.1
- Release Date:
- 2016-08-15
The SS_Report, and the reports CMS section only checks canView() when listing the reports that can be viewed by the current user.
It does not (and should) perform canView checks when the report is actually viewed, so if you know the URL to a report and can otherwise access the Reports section of the CMS, you can view any report.
Credit to Matt Peel for reporting.
SS-2016-011: ChangePasswordForm doesn't check Member::canLogIn()
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- ss-2016-011
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2. 3.4.0
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.20, 3.2.5, 3.3.3. 3.4.1
- Release Date:
- 2016-08-15
After performing a password reset, ChangePasswordForm::doChangePassword() logs in the user without checking Member::canLogIn(). This presents an issue for sites that are using the extension point in that method to deny access to users (for example members that have not been “approved”, or members that have had their access revoked temporarily). It looks like Member::canLogIn() was originally designed to only be used for checking whether the user is locked out (due to too many incorrect login attempts) but has been opened up to other uses.
Credit to Loz Calver
SS-2016-008: Password encryption salt expiry
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- ss-2016-008
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2. 3.4.0
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.20, 3.2.5, 3.3.3. 3.4.1
- Release Date:
- 2016-08-15
When a user changes their password, the internal salt used for hashing their password is not updated.
Although this is not considered a security vulnerability, this behaviour has been improved to ensure the salt is reset on change of password.
Credit to Jono Menz.
SS-2016-007: VersionedRequestFilter vulnerability
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- ss-2016-007
- Versions Affected:
- 3.3.0 to 3.3.2. 3.4.0
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.3.3. 3.4.1
- Release Date:
- 2016-08-15
A cross-site scripting vulnerability in VersionedRequestFilter has been found.
If an incoming user request should not be able to access the requested stage, an error message is created for display on the CMS login page that they are redirected to. In this error message, the URL of the requested page is interpolated into the error message without being escaped; hence, arbitrary HTML can be injected into the CMS login page.
Credit to Matthew Daley for reporting this issue.
SS-2016-006: Missing CSRF protection in login form
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2016-006
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.18, 3.2.3, 3.3.1
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2
- Release Date:
- 2016-05-11
LoginForm calls disableSecurityToken(), which causes a "shared host domain" vulnerability:
Credit: Anthony Thorpe
SS-2016-005: Brute force bypass on default admin
- Severity:
- High (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2016-005
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.18, 3.2.3, 3.3.1
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2
- Release Date:
- 2016-05-11
Default Administrator accounts were not subject to the same brute force protection afforded to other Member accounts. Failed login counts were not logged for default admins resulting in unlimited attempts on the default admin username and password.
Credit: Will Rossiter
SS-2016-004: XSS in CMS Edit Page
- Severity:
- Medium (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2016-004
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.18, 3.2.3, 3.3.1
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2
- Release Date:
- 2016-05-11
Due to a lack of parameter sanitisation a carefully crafted URL could be used to inject arbitrary HTML into the CMS Edit page.
An attacker could create a URL and share it with a site administrator to perform an attack.
Credit: Eric Flokstra.
SS-2016-001: XSS in CMSController BackURL
- Severity:
- High (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2016-001
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.18, 3.2.3, 3.3.1
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2
- Release Date:
- 2016-05-11
A XSS risk exists in the returnURL parameter passed to CMSSecurity/success. An unvalidated url could cause the user to redirect to an unverified third party url outside of the site.
Credit: David Júlio for reporting.
SS-2015-029: CSRF vulnerability in savetreenodes
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2015-029
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.18, 3.2.3, 3.3.1
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.19, 3.2.4, 3.3.2
- Release Date:
- 2016-05-11
savetreenode action does not have sufficient CSRF protection, meaning that in some cases users with CMS access can be tricked into posting unspecified data into the CMS from external websites.
The resolution for this issue is to ensure that a security token is sent with the request and validated on the server side.
Credit: Alain J Homewood - PWC
SS-2016-003: Hostname, IP and Protocol Spoofing through HTTP Headers
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2016-003
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.16, 3.2.1, 3.3.0-rc2 and below
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.17, 3.2.2, 3.3.0
- Release Date:
- 2016-02-24
In it's default configuration, SilverStripe trusts all originating IPs to include HTTP headers for Hostname, IP and Protocol. This enables reverse proxies to forward requests while still retaining the original request information. Trusted IPs can be limited via the SS_TRUSTED_PROXY_IPS constant. Even with this restriction in place, SilverStripe trusts a variety of HTTP headers due to different proxy notations (e.g. X-Forwarded-For vs. Client-IP). Unless a proxy explicitly unsets invalid HTTP headers from connecting clients, this can lead to spoofing requests being passed through trusted proxies.
The impact of spoofed headers can include Director::forceSSL() not being enforced, SS_HTTPRequest->getIP() returning a wrong IP (disabling any IP restrictions), and spoofed hostnames circumventing any hostname-specific restrictions enforced in SilverStripe Controllers.
Regardless on running a reverse proxy in your hosting infrastructure, please follow the instructions on Secure Coding: Request hostname forgery in order to opt-in to these protections. If your website is not behind a reverse proxy, you might already be protected if using Apache with mod_env enabled, and you have the following line in your .htaccess file: SetEnv BlockUntrustedIPs true.
Credit to Patrick Nelson ( and Ingo Schommer for reporting.
SS-2016-002: CSRF vulnerability in GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
- Severity:
- High (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2016-002
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.16, 3.2.1, 3.3.0-rc2 and below
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.17, 3.2.2, 3.3.0
- Release Date:
- 2016-02-24
GridField does not have sufficient CSRF protection, meaning that in some cases users with CMS access can be tricked into posting unspecified data into the CMS from external websites. Amongst other default CMS interfaces, GridField is used for management of groups, users and permissions in the CMS.
The resolution for this issue is to ensure that all gridFieldAlterAction submissions are checked for the SecurityID token during submission.
Credit to Ashraf Alharbi from for reporting.
SS-2015-028: Missing security check on dev/build/defaults
- Severity:
- Medium (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2015-028
- Versions Affected:
- 3.1.16, 3.2.1, 3.3.0-rc2 and below
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.1.17, 3.2.2, 3.3.0
- Release Date:
- 2016-02-24
The buildDefaults method on DevelopmentAdmin is missing a permission check.
In live mode, if you access /dev/build, you are requested to login first. However, if you access /dev/build/defaults, then the action is performed without any login check. This should be protected in the same way that /dev/build is.
The buildDefaults view is requireDefaultRecords() on each DataObject class, and hence has the potential to modify database state. It also lists all modified tables, allowing attackers more insight into which modules are used, and how the database tables are structured.Credit to Matt Peel and Robby Ahn for reporting
SS-2015-019: Leaky draft stage risk
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2015-019
- Versions Affected:
- 3.2 and below
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.3.0-beta1
- Release Date:
- 2015-12-23
In some cases, user code which applies Versioned extension to DataObjects may expose non-public content, unless an appropriate canView is implemented which checks access for the current stage.
This is a risk in cases that the site is put into staging mode by an unauthenticated user.
In 3.3.0 versioned dataobjects will now automatically have a default security model which denies draft access to public users, and directly blocks access to the stage mode via the querystring.
This is accepted as not a security bug but rather a risk to mitigate common errors in user code which fail to address appropriate permission checks. Please read the security documentation on versioning for more information on how site developers can secure their code.
SS-2015-024: Queued jobs serialised data exposure
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2015-024
- Versions Affected:
- 2.8.1 and below
- Versions Fixed:
- 2.8.3
- Release Date:
- 2015-11-23
SavedJobData and SavedJobMessages contain php serialised data. There's no point showing these to a CMS Admin as they're not human readable. Worse, it might be insecure, as a malicious CMS Admin might be able to craft a payload thats dangerous to unserialise.
This issue has been resolved by hiding this content, even from administrators.
SS-2015-023: Advanced workflow member field exposure
- Severity:
- Low (?)
- Identifier:
- SS-2015-023
- Versions Affected:
- 3.2.1 and below
- Versions Fixed:
- 3.2.3
- Release Date:
- 2015-11-23
By default, the CMS Admin editable template for the NotifyUsers action has access to a large number of fields, including (for instance) Member#Password. This would allow a malicious CMS Admin to extract other admin passwords by adding a template emailing these fields to themselves when other admins trigger the workflow.
A new configuration option `NotifyUsersWorkflowAction.whitelist_template_variables` has been added. When this option is set to true via the Config API then only member fields specified via Member.summary_fields may be accessed.