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Error message when trying to access cms login page

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4 Posts   1573 Views


Community Member, 63 Posts

25 May 2011 at 8:55am

Hi everyone!

I´ve just installed SS 2.4.5 on my live-webserver (for the first time - been developing on mamp). The installation went smoothly without any problems. I followed the step-by-step documentary....after adding my custom content (theme, some codes and modules) I imported the database to mySQL and ran a dev/build.
Website is showing (not quite as it should look like but nothing I couldn´t fix) BUT when I try to access the CMS login (admin) page to log in I get the following error (included in a seperate .txt file due to it´s length.
Does anyone have a solution or do I have to reinstall? If so, what could probably have caused this error so I don´t make the same mistake again? Obviously must have something to do with my custom content (which worked fine on MAMP)....
appreciating any help

kind regards

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Forum Moderator, 5523 Posts

25 May 2011 at 5:32pm

Versioned::get_version: Couldn't get SiteTree.1

For some reason the code is trying to get a SiteTree versioned object that doesn't exist. From looking at the backtrace is originates from a template file so it could be a caching issue so try visiting admin/?flush=all rather than admin/ to flush that out.

If you have just installed SS, then I suggest dropping or emptying the database and running dev/build again and see if you have any issues. Make sure dev/build is successful by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page.


Community Member, 63 Posts

26 May 2011 at 12:27am

thanks Willr!!
flush all did it!! However now it won´t let me login with my mail and password. I´m pretty sure it´s correct but is there a way to check the login data other than to reinstall??

many thanks in advance!!


Community Member, 63 Posts

26 May 2011 at 2:30am

Nevermind...reinstalled and tried again. Works fine until i import my own database. After that the login page gives me the same error as before except that flush all didn´t work this time :-(
So I emptied my database (as you suggested) and did a dev build. Again all went back to normal. Login worked and all. But re-importing my database doesn´t work anymore due to the following cause:



-- database: `rs_reisen`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- table structure for table `ArticlePage`
CREATE TABLE `ArticlePage` (
`Date` date DEFAULT NULL ,
`Author` mediumtext,

MySQL reports: Documentation
#1050 - Table 'ArticlePage' already exists

so is there anything wrong with my database? although it says "articlepage" already exists the database shows zero tables in myphp