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Announcing Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 with a new way to manage links

Silverstripe 5.2.0 has just landed. In this release, we’re most excited about the new LinkField module that makes it easy to manage all types of links. Developers and content authors can expect numerous improvements. Working and building with Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 is easier than ever!

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Meet us in Philadelphia, New York, Washington DC, London

Tagged meetup

Comments 2

by Sigurd

Posted 14 April 2009

SilverStripe staff are hitting the USA East Coast and UK in May. read


Comments 4

by Sigurd

Posted 3 April 2009

It took two years to reach 100,000 downloads, but less than six months to reach... read

SilverStripe 2.3.1 eases installation and provides protection against website comment spam

Tagged release, mollom, iis

Comments 14

by Sigurd

Posted 20 March 2009

Hot on the heels of SilverStripe 2.3.0 comes an update that resolves some bugs, adds... read

Installing on Windows now easier thanks to Microsoft Web Platform Installer

At MIX today, Microsoft released Web Platform Installer (WebPI) 2.0 beta—new software that makes it... read

SilverStripe 2.3.1rc2 - test the update!

Tagged release

Comments 2

by Sigurd

Posted 17 March 2009

Thank you to those who tested SilverStripe 2.3.1rc1! You identified a few easy-to-fix bugs that... read

SilverStripe 2.3.1rc1 released - testers wanted

Tagged release

Comments 15

by Sigurd

Posted 12 March 2009

Hot on the heels of SilverStripe 2.3.0, we're working to release an update that resolves... read

Google Summer of Code 2009 project ideas

Tagged gsoc

Comments 6

by Sigurd

Posted 11 March 2009

Summer of Code season is back for 2009! We've come up with programming challenges... read

SilverStripe Installation Trends

Comments 7

by Sigurd

Posted 10 March 2009

The growth of new SilverStripe installations each month grew substantially over 2008. read

SilverStripe best seller on within two weeks

Tagged book

Comments 8

by Sigurd

Posted 8 March 2009

Just days after the book's launch, the 450-page German SilverStripe book now has a bestseller... read

Meet ups in Melbourne, Stockholm, Vancouver

Tagged meetup

by Sigurd

Posted 6 March 2009

SilverStripe staff are on some long excursions from New Zealand in coming weeks, so we're... read

Wellington and San Francisco meetups provide great feedback

Tagged meetup, community, shdh

by Sigurd

Posted 5 March 2009

Last Sunday, a group of local developers came together in Wellington for the monthly SuperHappyDevHouse meeting. read

Making a CRM with ModelAdmin

Tagged tutorials

Comments 4

by Sigurd

Posted 3 March 2009

ModelAdmin is a powerful new feature in SilverStripe 2.3.0 that lets developers build user-friendly web-based... read

German book released!

Tagged book

Comments 4

by Sigurd

Posted 3 March 2009

"SilverStripe – Das umfassende Handbuch" is now in German bookstores and available online to purchase... read

Forms, Newsletter, Blog modules released

Tagged release, modules

Comments 3

by Sigurd

Posted 25 February 2009

To coincide with SilverStripe 2.3.0, the forms, newsletter, and blog modules have been released. read

SilverStripe 2.3.0 released, 1000s of improvements!

Tagged release

Comments 13

by Sigurd Magnusson

Posted 23 February 2009


March 1: Wellington SilverStripe hackathon

Tagged meetup, shdh

Comments 9

by Sigurd

Posted 2 February 2009

On the first Sunday of each month, Wellington hosts a geek get-together at the Southern... read

SilverStripe v2.3.0 release candidate 3 is now available

Over the past two months we've made an impressive number of improvements to the upcoming... read

User help updated

In recent weeks, Michael and Ngoc have updated screenshots and a lot of the content... read

San Francisco Meetup - Feb 19

Tagged meetup

Comments 1

by Sigurd

Posted 2 February 2009

If you want to meet SilverStripe developers in San Francisco later this month, you're in... read

Publicise your website in your member profile

Tagged community

Comments 1

by Sigurd

Posted 30 January 2009

Less than 30 of our 2000+ forum members have their website publicly listed in their profile. read

Demo gets a 2009 facelift!

Tagged demo, theme

Comments 9

by Sigurd

Posted 22 January 2009

SilverStripe designer James has given a brand new look. read