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Announcing Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 with a new way to manage links

Silverstripe 5.2.0 has just landed. In this release, we’re most excited about the new LinkField module that makes it easy to manage all types of links. Developers and content authors can expect numerous improvements. Working and building with Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 is easier than ever!

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Archive: March, 2014

AngularJS powered by SilverStripe

My recent blog post on Backbone unit testing mentioned AngularJS, as being one of the... read

Pagetypeitis and dependancy injection: Wellington meetup videos are up

Tagged meetup

Comments 2

by Cam Findlay

Posted 18 March 2014

Videos from the March 5th, 2014 Wellington SilverStripe developer community meetups are up on our... read

What does the SilverStripe community have in common with ancient civilisations of the Andes? Beer an

Tagged community, culture

by Carlos Cordero

Posted 12 March 2014

Reciprocity noun [ mass noun ] the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual... read