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Announcing Silverstripe CMS 5.3.0 with image rendering improvements, better validation, and more

The latest release of Silverstripe CMS is here! This release has a strong focus on...

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Community Slack channel

Join in the latest community tool for all SilverStripers.


Dude, where are my branches?

We have just released SilverStripe 3.5.0. This release has a few visible changes, as well as some new api and security improvements under the hood.


StripeCon APAC started with a bang

Here's the recap of the first ever StripeCon APAC - Sydney, 9 November 2016.


Talk videos from StripeCon Europe are released

All talk videos from the SilverStripe European conference 2016 are now available on vimeo.


Video: Integrating SilverStripe with Magento

The last video talk from October's SilverStripe meetup in Christchurch, New Zealand.


Video from SilverStripe Christchurch meetup: Placeable module

In this video, web developer Gorrie Coe of Plato Creative talks about Placeable module. 


SilverStripe Christchurch meetup videos

First video from the latest meetup in Christchurch: SilverStripe Blocks module, presented by Hayden Shaw of E2 Digital.


Three is a charm: SilverStripe 4.0.0 alpha 3 released!

This update brings a lot more polish and feature completion to many of the new major features in SilverStripe 4


First videos for StripeCon EU 2016 are out

To relive the memories or get inspired? Here is the first release of videos from StripeCon EU 2016.


Announcing speakers for StripeCon Asia-Pacific 2016

The first ever StripeCon Asia-Pacific is shaping up to be an awesome event with talks and speakers confirmed today.


Announcing StripeCon Asia-Pacific 2016

Crikey! The first StripeCon Asia-Pacific is coming to Sydney this November. Find out all the details including how to register and submit talks. 


Site of the Month: Visit Ljubljana

September’s “Site of the Month” would excite those coming to StripeCon 2016


Shining bright: SilverStripe 4.0 Alpha 2 is released

SilverStripe 4.0 Alpha2 is out. See the updates and get a copy of the release now!


Making a module fit for purpose

Introducing 9 ways to make a module fit for purpose.


Revealing 11 quests for StripeCon 2016

What's in StripeCon's store to help you tame your Silver dragon?


SilverStripe Strips

In this guest post, Nick Spiel of Digital360 shares how they created a method of building pages with modular 'strips'.


Site of the month: Lenovo North America

August's "Site of the month" was developed for Lenovo North America by SilverStripe Partner Webbuilders Group Inc


Saving the planet, one site at a time

When you need to create a new layout, it's so easy to create a new Page type. But too many Page types could be bad for... the planet. Introducing SilverStripe Green.


Fighting for the new feature: campaigns in SilverStripe 4

We've been fighting hard to bring this new feature to you.


How to tame your SilverStripe: the return of StripeCon

StripeCon is back. Bigger and better. 


Hacking the government

Wellington hackers attempted to hack the government last weekend. Here's the story.
