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Maxime's avatar

Maxime Rainville

a.k.a Maxime, Senior Developer

Member since Apr 2018

20 Blog posts

Collaborating across companies and continents with Creamarketing

Creamarketing from Finland and Silverstripe from New Zealand recently collaborated to add a new Nested Gridfield feature to SIlverstripe CMS. This is the prefect example of how open-source can enable collaboration across companies and across continents.


Announcing Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 with a new way to manage links

Silverstripe 5.2.0 has just landed. In this release, we’re most excited about the new LinkField module that makes it easy to manage all types of links. Developers and content authors can expect numerous improvements. Working and building with Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 is easier than ever!


One year anniversary of Silverstripe CMS 5

On year on from the release of Silverstripe CMS 5, we take stock of how the experience has turned out so far and how it has altered our thinking on what’s next.


Silverstripe renews ISO 27001 certification, demonstrating commitment to information security

To demonstrate our commitment to being a reliable supplier for our customers, three years ago, Silverstripe sought and achieved ISO 27001 certification. We recently undertook an audit against the 2022 version of the standard, and have successfully achieved recertification.


Looking forward to Innovation Week with forward looking speakers

Silverstripe welcomed Brett Holland from Creative HQ and Pritesh Patel from Google to talk to our staff ahead of of our 5th innovation week.


Tschüss from StripeCon 2023 in Hamburg

StripeCon Europe 2023 was a blast. 74 attendees from 10 different countries gathered in Hamburg, Germany, with many more joining virtually. This was a chance to take the pulse of the community and share some of the exciting plans we have for Silverstripe CMS.


Inspiring speakers for an inspiring week of innovation

We would like to extend a huge thank you to Sam Minnée, Niklas Forsdahl, and Dilan Rajasingham for attending Innovation Week and sharing their insights with our Silverstripe’s staff.


Silverstripe CMS security patches

We are releasing two security patches for Silverstripe CMS to address two security vulnerabilities.


Patching a high impact GraphQL vulnerability

Have you updated your Silverstripe CMS site between March 13 and March 16, 2023? You may be vulnerable to a high impact DDOS vulnerability in a very recent patch to our silverstripe/graphql module.


Announcing Silverstripe CMS 5 beta

We are thrilled to announce that our development team has achieved a significant milestone by releasing Silverstripe CMS 5.0.0 Beta 1! This release marks the end of major development work and the start of an exciting journey towards a stable release.


Announcing Silverstripe CMS 4.12 with improved Gridfield UX

Silverstripe CMS 4.12.0 has just been released. It comes with a host of quality of life improvements and bug fixes. It also sets up some of the groundwork to transition to Silverstripe CMS 5 next year. Upgrade now for an improved content authoring experience.


Announcing Silverstripe CMS 4.11.1 with multiple security patches

We are releasing Silverstripe CMS Recipe 4.11.1. The primary purpose of this release is to address 9 vulnerabilities in Silverstripe CMS.


Holding it down for StripeCon EU 2022 – Somewhere in Stockholm

Silverstripe CMS Squad Team Lead, Maxime Rainville, gives us his roundup from StripeCon EU 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden.


Silverstripe CMS Major Release Policy and update on CMS 5

Earlier this year, we announced a consultation on a formal Major Release Policy for Silverstripe CMS which has now been published. Here’s an overview of the new policy, including an update on Silverstripe CMS 5.


Revising our approach to major release

We are publishing a Request For Comment (RFC) on a new Major Release Policy proposal. Our primary objective with this policy proposal is to provide certainty to Silverstripe CMS project owners by adopting a major release cadence that is sustainable and manageable. We are seeking feedback from the Silverstripe CMS community.


Farewell Uncle Cheese

It’s with very bittersweet emotions that we have to announce that Aaron Carlino (aka Uncle Cheese) will be leaving Silverstripe Ltd. Aaron has been a fixture of the Silverstripe CMS community for close to 15 years.


CMS 4.10 is here with official support for PHP 8.0

Out with the old, in with the new. This release brings official support for PHP 8.0 and PHPUnit 9.5 while dropping support for legacy technologies like PHP 7.2 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. Upgrade today and set up your project for long term success.


Some upcoming changes to Silverstripe CMS!

We're giving the Silverstripe CMS community a heads up about three changes that are coming up around adding support for PHPUnit 9, dropping support for end-of-life PHP releases, and dropping support for Internet Explorer.


Going through the looking glass—developing open-source software full-time

What happens when open-source moves from being a hobby to being a full-time job? Take a look at the recollections of a Silverstripe CMS open-source developer.


Latest improvements to the SilverStripe 4 upgrade experience

Since its release, many projects have been upgraded to SilverStripe 4. We’ve been listening to the community’s feedback and in response, have been busy refining the upgrader utility, filling gaps in our documentation, and patching related bugs.
